26 November 2023: Slow Bal Salon in Dizzy

Slow Bal Salon 26 November 2023 | Jazzcafé Dizzy Slow Bal Salon What better way to spend your Saturday afternoon than with a dance? Lovely slow jazz music, a drink from the bar and a nice chat with the other dancers. In short: the ideal Sunday afternoon. We play slow jazz music in Jazzcafé Dizzy all […]
15 October 2023: Slow Bal Salon in Dizzy

Slow Bal Salon 15 October 2023 | Jazzcafé Dizzy Slow Bal Salon What better way to spend your Saturday afternoon than with a dance? Lovely slow jazz music, a drink from the bar and a nice chat with the other dancers. In short: the ideal Sunday afternoon. We play slow jazz music in Jazzcafé Dizzy all […]
15 December 2023: Slow Bal in De Doelen Studio + beginner workshop

Join us in Club Key by The Doelen Studio for a fun night of dancing. We start with a short Slow Bal dance workshop. Afterwards we swing!
9 September 2023: Slow Swing Saturday Homecoming Edition

Slow Swing Saturday Homecoming Edition 9 September 2023 Slow Swing Saturday: Homecoming Edition The summer holidays are over, the days are getting shorter again. It’s time to pick up a new hobby, or to breathe new life into it. That is why we are organizing a Slow Swing Saturday on Saturday, September 9, 2023, with […]
30 July 2023: Slow Bal Sunday in Dizzy

Slow Bal Sunday 30 July 2023 | Jazzcafé Dizzy Slow Bal Sunday What better way to spend your Saturday afternoon than with a dance? Lovely slow jazz music, a drink from the bar and a nice chat with the other dancers. In short: the ideal Sunday afternoon. We play slow jazz music in Jazzcafé Dizzy all […]
7 July 2023: Slow Bal in De Doelen Studio + beginner workshop

Join us in Club Key by The Doelen Studio for a fun night of dancing. We start with a short Slow Bal dance workshop. Afterwards we swing!
16 June 2023: Slow Bal in De Doelen Studio + beginner workshop

Join us in Club Key by The Doelen Studio for a fun night of dancing. We start with a short Slow Bal dance workshop. Afterwards we swing!
2 December 2023: Slow Bal Flash Moves

Learn Flashy Slow Bal Moves with Mike and Natalia. In the evening we dance at the Masquerade Ball!
23-25 juni: Slow Bal Weekend (Hamburg-DE)

Slow Bal Weekend 23-25 juni 2023 | Hamburg (Duitsland) Slow Bal Weekend in Hamburg Slowfeet Studio reist af naar Hamburg, Duitsland, voor een super tof Slow Bal Weekend georganiseerd door Balboa Factory! Begin je heerlijke Slow Bal weekend met de “Friday Shuffle” op vrijdag 23 juni en doe mee aan de Slow Bal tasterles met […]
23-25 June: Slow Bal Weekend (Hamburg-DE)

Slow Bal Weekend 23-25 June 2023 | Hamburg (Germany) Slow Bal Weekend in Hamburg Slowfeet Studio will travel to Hamburg, Germany, for a fun Slow Bal Weekend organized by Balboa Factory ! Start your wonderful Slow Bal weekend with the “Friday Shuffle” on Friday, June 23rd and take part in the Slow Bal taster course […]